Net-Sense Automater

Cisco Automation Scripts

The Automater is a program which is comprised of a series of individual Cisco Scripts.  Together, these scripts provide the engineer with a simple yet extremely powerful set of tools to perform their everyday tasks.  A simple task such as clearing the counters on all the routers in a network can take hours or days depending on the size of the network.  The Automater can do this in minutes.

Each of the Scripts included with the Automater was created from the “mind-set” of Engineers working on real networks or test-beds.  It’s not that you can’t perform these tasks without the Automater, it just allows you to perform these tasks a 1000 times faster and more thoroughly than doing it manually.  In most cases, if the task is too time consuming it just won’t get done, or the scope of the task will be reduced; possibly affecting the quality of the effort.  For example, every router in your network can have its configuration backed up automatically every night using the Cisco Config Backup Utility and cron.  If this administrative task is not automated, it won’t get done as often as it needs to be, or worse won’t get done at all!

The Automater includes the following Scripts: